Tuesday, March 27, 2007

We're OUT!

Just a quick update for anyone that is wondering why we haven't updated in forever. I (Ryan) was away for 3 weeks for training, Sarah went home for a week, and we were getting ready to move. I got back on Saturday night in time to make the final preparations for our move and hang out with some friends. Our friends have been wonderful in this time as we've been running around like crazy.

While I was gone, Sarah took pictures of the Haynes'. Then on Sunday we took pictures of the Browns. We've got some great photos, but not really time to put them up on here right now.

So, our movers are here right now and I'm sitting on the bare floors typing this up. We will be on our honeymoon cruise 1-8 April and then we'll be off for Phoenix. We'll hopefully get everything updated when we get settled there. Thanks for keeping up with us.

Ryan & Sarah