Friday, February 22, 2008

Total Eclipse (not of the Heart)

So we've been super busy around here getting ready for the big move. Unfortunately, Sarah has been really sick the past two weeks. We think it started as the flu and then turned into sinusitis(sp?). Despite all of that, we're still slowly getting everything done and I think we'll be good to go when the movers get here next Wednesday.

On the 20th there was the total lunar eclipse that I thought would be a fun thing to try and photograph. That is a very difficult thing to do. I think I did a pretty bad job, but I could probably get one decent 4x6 out of the 100 pictures that I took. It didn't help that clouds kept rolling in. At first, the clouds were just a nuisance, but it turned into the most exciting thing I have photographed in a while. There was a HUGE cloud to cloud lightning storm with about 10 minutes of rain. Before the rain came I was able to snap some photos while I was talking on the is that for multitasking? That's our house in the middle of the second picture for those who haven't seen it. Anyways, I thought that the pictures turned out really amazing, so I figured that I would share!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's a XY!!!!!

It's official...despite the Chinese birth calendar, pilot's wives' folklore, family "curses", and multiple incorrect guesses by family and friends alike, we're having a XY! But that was just a portion of our eventful day yesterday.

Yesterday was quite the day. Sarah got into a fight at school and had to be rushed to the Emergency Room. She had a large cut to her left thumb and the X-rays revealed that it was broken. They stitched her up, put a large dressing to cover the wound, and gave her some pain meds and antibiotics. Unfortunately, the paper cutter didn't make it. Witnesses said that shortly after the fight ended, the paper cutter was "cold, unresponsive, and didn't have a pulse". When asked later that afternoon, one teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said "I saw the paper cutter only minutes before and everything seemed normal". "He'd always been such a hard worker, never complained about anything, and everyone really liked him" she continued, "...and to see him like just breaks your heart".

So after the E.R. visit, we trekked on over to the baby doctor to find out the sex and to make sure the baby was doing well. We're very happy to have a little XY running around our Japanese house in a few months...maybe more like sleeping, drooling, pooping, and eating...but you get the point. We've got the new baby pictures to share, so here they are!!

P.S. XY ='s a chromosome thing...